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Ok now that the niceties are over here's the deal, this blog was created and is dedicated to giving you a No Hype No Bull Sh*% look at affiliate marketing. While trying to teach you a thing or two that will save you a lot of headaches. I am sick of all the hyped up products claiming to make you rich overnight. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! If you want real answers to your affiliate marketing questions, real help, and honest reviews of good products read on. If you are happy wasting your time and money on useless hyped up products LEAVE NOW!

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Veterans Day Thank You

Today the post is only to wish all those out there that are Veterans a happy Veterans day and to give them a great big SALUTE AND THANK YOU!

Being a Veteran myself of the first gulf war I know how hard it is to leave your friends and family to go do your job, not knowing when or if you will ever see them again. I had to leave the day after my oldest son was born and didn't see him again until he was 7 months old, hardest thing I have ever had to do I think.

So if you know a Veteran give them a hug, a handshake, pat on the back whatever and just tell them thanks. Because what this generation I think has forgotten is that without veterans we could most likely be speaking a different language in this country. And if you are from some of the countries that we have helped in the past you to should thank a veteran.

I heard on the radio today that there were some people down at one of our local parades protesting the war in Iraq. To these people I say, I truly believe that you have the write to protest anything that you want and that is why so many veterans have died for this country, but on this a day that is meant to thank those that have given you the very right that you exploit, give it a rest. You have 364 other days that you can protest take a break today and thank someone that gave you that right. I to believe that the war in Iraq is the wrong place for us to be and our soldiers are dying for nothing, but at the same time as I say that I respect all of those soldiers that are over there and hope that they make it home safe. Because the thing I think that most people that have never been in the military don't understand is that every soldier over there, whether they agree with the war or not is there doing there job and that is all they are doing. They do not all want to be there, they signed up to do a job and they swore to follow the orders of the president and that is what they are doing. I did not want to go over and leave my one day old son, but that was my job and that was what had to be done. So protest if you must, but just make sure that you are protesting the right group of people.

That is the end of my rant, Thanks Again to all veterans past and present!

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