Ok so the big buzz over the past week or so has been the next big payday, the end all be all moneymaker Google Payload.
Well here's my review of the new get rich quick scam on the block!
But first a few things to think about.
1. Google Payload is not some brand new never before seen secret strategy, it's just ppc arbitrage and it's been around for quite a while.
2. Doesn't this sound like one of those to good to be true moments that I warned about. Think about it for a second-little to no work,only a select few people know about it, people beating down your virtual door to pay you for your clicks, unbelievable amounts of money all = one thing
3. And about the $10k a day, the guy that wrote the book is not even the one that is making that much. Did you get that, read it again I'll wait Ok you wrote the book and you can't even make the money that you are claiming is possible. Would you buy a book from some guy teaching you how to walk on a tightrope without a net if the guy couldn't even do it himself?
4. Think about this if you are buying clicks from miva.com(hint) and selling them at 150% profit to someone else to use, hold on here it comes light bulb moment, if they can afford to pay you 150% more for the clicks and still make a profit why would you go through all of the trouble to sell the clicks for pennies when you could be getting all of the money.
5. If you are going to go through all of the trouble of going and finding the cheap clicks why not get them to opt-in to your list instead of selling them to the other guy so they will opt-in to his list. Think long term, an opt-in that cost you .03 is worth way more than $2.00.
So my recommendation for Google Payload is DON'T WAIST your money. Take that $77 dollars and spend it on something that will really make you some money.
If you want to learn how to make some money online I recommend going and checking out Wealthy Affiliate. It's not the next big get rich quick scam it's a learning university for affiliate marketers. If you're serious about making money online then Wealthy Affiliate is the place you need to be. Get real answers, real advice and real tools that will help you increase your bank account.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
A Veterans Day Thank You
Today the post is only to wish all those out there that are Veterans a happy Veterans day and to give them a great big SALUTE AND THANK YOU!
Being a Veteran myself of the first gulf war I know how hard it is to leave your friends and family to go do your job, not knowing when or if you will ever see them again. I had to leave the day after my oldest son was born and didn't see him again until he was 7 months old, hardest thing I have ever had to do I think.
So if you know a Veteran give them a hug, a handshake, pat on the back whatever and just tell them thanks. Because what this generation I think has forgotten is that without veterans we could most likely be speaking a different language in this country. And if you are from some of the countries that we have helped in the past you to should thank a veteran.
I heard on the radio today that there were some people down at one of our local parades protesting the war in Iraq. To these people I say, I truly believe that you have the write to protest anything that you want and that is why so many veterans have died for this country, but on this a day that is meant to thank those that have given you the very right that you exploit, give it a rest. You have 364 other days that you can protest take a break today and thank someone that gave you that right. I to believe that the war in Iraq is the wrong place for us to be and our soldiers are dying for nothing, but at the same time as I say that I respect all of those soldiers that are over there and hope that they make it home safe. Because the thing I think that most people that have never been in the military don't understand is that every soldier over there, whether they agree with the war or not is there doing there job and that is all they are doing. They do not all want to be there, they signed up to do a job and they swore to follow the orders of the president and that is what they are doing. I did not want to go over and leave my one day old son, but that was my job and that was what had to be done. So protest if you must, but just make sure that you are protesting the right group of people.
That is the end of my rant, Thanks Again to all veterans past and present!
Being a Veteran myself of the first gulf war I know how hard it is to leave your friends and family to go do your job, not knowing when or if you will ever see them again. I had to leave the day after my oldest son was born and didn't see him again until he was 7 months old, hardest thing I have ever had to do I think.
So if you know a Veteran give them a hug, a handshake, pat on the back whatever and just tell them thanks. Because what this generation I think has forgotten is that without veterans we could most likely be speaking a different language in this country. And if you are from some of the countries that we have helped in the past you to should thank a veteran.
I heard on the radio today that there were some people down at one of our local parades protesting the war in Iraq. To these people I say, I truly believe that you have the write to protest anything that you want and that is why so many veterans have died for this country, but on this a day that is meant to thank those that have given you the very right that you exploit, give it a rest. You have 364 other days that you can protest take a break today and thank someone that gave you that right. I to believe that the war in Iraq is the wrong place for us to be and our soldiers are dying for nothing, but at the same time as I say that I respect all of those soldiers that are over there and hope that they make it home safe. Because the thing I think that most people that have never been in the military don't understand is that every soldier over there, whether they agree with the war or not is there doing there job and that is all they are doing. They do not all want to be there, they signed up to do a job and they swore to follow the orders of the president and that is what they are doing. I did not want to go over and leave my one day old son, but that was my job and that was what had to be done. So protest if you must, but just make sure that you are protesting the right group of people.
That is the end of my rant, Thanks Again to all veterans past and present!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
10 Biggest Mistakes That Will End Your Affiliate Career
- Though it is possible to be successful with affiliate marketing programs, not everyone is able to make it. What are the reasons? Well, there are 10 of them, actually. Listed below are the 10 biggest mistakes that make being successful in affiliate marketing very elusive. Read them, study them and learn how to avoid them. Heeding these mistakes can spell the difference between monumental profits and dismal performance in your affiliate marketing campaigns.
- The belief that people would just click on your affiliate links. Though an affiliate’s job is mainly limited to pre-selling, pre-selling involves more than just displaying the affiliate links. It also entails encouraging people to click on them by enumerating the benefits that can be derived from the affiliate merchant’s products, giving favorable recommendations about the use of the same, and providing an encouraging offer that would entice readers to check out the package.
- Believing that there’s such a thing as organic traffic. If I build it they will come. Organic traffic, or traffic that is naturally generated by a website, is a myth. There is no such thing as organic traffic! If you’re hosting your affiliate links in one website, you can’t expect people to find it just because it’s there. You have to send them there or make them find it. This can be accomplished through effective SEO techniques and efficient marketing strategies.
- Believing that employing one marketing strategy is enough. Some people actually think that submitting one article to the article directories would give them the amount of traffic they need. This is a fatal and costly mistake. Limiting yourself to a single, or even a couple, of marketing tactics would be limiting the number of visitors you could generate for your website. Also, you’ll fail to tap into other segments of your targeted market if your marketing plan is not flexible enough to expand.
- Failing to study and keep track of your campaign’s performance. Most affiliates merely check on how much they have earned per day, and if such an amount remains at low levels, they fail to make corresponding adjustments because, well, they don’t know which aspects of their campaigns need improving. It is important to study every facet of our marketing strategies. How many visitors are we generating for our website? How many of them are unique? How many are returning? How much time do they spend in our pages? Where are they coming from? To where are they exiting? These are the questions that can be answered by an excellent visitor tracking software program, and these are the questions that could help us improve the performance of our marketing endeavors.
- Using affiliate programs which don’t offer sellable products. Some affiliate programs may offer as much as a 95% commission per sale. But if the products they offer are impossible to sell, you’d never realize the profit the program promises.
- Failing to find an affiliate program with a proven record of consumer satisfaction. The credibility of an enterprise depends on how people view it. If the affiliate program has established great relationships with the members of its target market, then it has established a brand that is recognizable for its excellent service and products. You’d have an easier time pre-selling such an affiliate program’s products.
- Failing to keep abreast with the latest developments in the industry. There will come a time when the marketing knowledge we know would become obsolete, more so in the field of Internet marketing where everything transpires at a rapid pace. You have to constantly update yourself with the newest trends, techniques and news in this field to always keep your competitive edge.
- Failing to invest on knowledge. Knowledge likewise evolves and you have to evolve with it. Buy noteworthy eBooks, special reports and the likes… those that teach you the latest tactics to help you conquer your field.
- Resting on your laurels once a semblance of success is achieved. Success is not eternal. You have to sustain it. If you leave your business alone once it shows the promise of success, you’re just setting it up for failure.
Believing that affiliate marketing is a “get rich quick” scheme. It is not! You have to invest a certain level of commitment, a lot of time, some financial resources on occasions, and a whole lot of hard work if you want to truly realize the many wonderful things that this field does promise. - Bonus Tip! After writing the top ten reasons most affiliate’s fail I realized that there was one more, probably the most important one of all. In my opinion the biggest reason most people fail in affiliate marketing is that they fail to Act. There are countless ways to make money online and a number of people let themselves get caught up in the research of making money and never do anything that will make them money. You can own every eBook that is on the Internet but if you never put any of the information to use they are just electronic paperweights.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
5 Things You Always Wanted To Ask About Article Marketing
Article marketing is most probably the most effective link building strategy in existence. Picture it this way. Article directories allow you to include a resource box for every article you will submit. Inside this resource box, you could include a link to your website. If you will submit just one article to 100 article directories, you’d immediately receive 100 back links to your website. There are thousands of article directories in the World Wide Web!
Now, if you will submit, say, 5 articles to a hundred directories, you’ll get 500 back links easily! The best part about this strategy is that quite a number of article directories have high page ranks. We’re talking about PR4, PR5, and on occasion, PR7 websites! Having a link to your own website in a website which has a high page rank would give a significant boost to your own pages’ search engine standing!
All seems rosy with article marketing, but as with everything else, there are doubts as to its real nature.
Let’s have a no hold barred, truly in depth discussion about the matter, by asking the questions you always had in your mind but had no opportunity to set loose. Let’s begin.
1. If I will submit the same article to many article directories, won’t it violate a search engine’s policy against duplicate content?
No, it won’t. Since we’re dealing with high ranking websites, the search engines would assume that the submitted content is their original work. This is the reason why a lot of article directories are pretty confident about the articles they display. The problem that they encounter, really, is with regards to the credibility of their services. They don’t want to be known as a repository of junk content, that’s why they have outlawed the posting of PLR articles as well as articles imbued with affiliate links.
2. Does this mean that I could submit articles which I have already posted in my own web pages?
No! Since the search engines would assume that the higher ranking websites are the originators of the content, your web pages would be distinguished as duplicates, and this could possibly lead to the de-indexing of your website. You wouldn’t want this to happen.
3. Could I submit as many articles as I could to as many article directories as possible?
Yes, you could! In fact, this is very much advised, to build up your link popularity and secure for your website a great page rank.
However, please bear in mind that search engines, and Google in particular, become quite wary about a website that suddenly experiences a great increase in the number of its back links. It is advised that before you submit another article to the article directories, you have to wait for at least 3 weeks after your last submission.
4. My page views are quite low. Does article marketing really work?
Yes, article marketing does work! If your article’s page views remain in low levels, ask yourself the following:
Is the subject of your article interesting enough? Does it cater to a wide audience?
Is your title enticing enough to merit a reading of your entire work?
Is your article informative enough to merit recommendation?
Is your article readable enough to give your audience an easy time in digesting the information you want to share?
These are the factors that contribute to low page views. Doing some necessary editing to correct these problems can dramatically increase the number of times your article would be viewed. Additionally, some article directories really attract a few visitors. But the popular ones like www.ezinearticles.com , www.goarticles.com and www.isnare.com should give you hundreds of readers in a month’s time.
5. How sure am I that my article would be kept intact by people who would use it in their own websites or eZines?
You can never be sure. This is why you have to run your own check from time to time. Search for unique phrases in your article, and click on the results. Determine if the webmaster honored your resource box. If he did not, you could ask him to include the same, or you could file a complaint with the article directory so that they themselves could act on the matter. Vigilance is the key.
Now, if you will submit, say, 5 articles to a hundred directories, you’ll get 500 back links easily! The best part about this strategy is that quite a number of article directories have high page ranks. We’re talking about PR4, PR5, and on occasion, PR7 websites! Having a link to your own website in a website which has a high page rank would give a significant boost to your own pages’ search engine standing!
All seems rosy with article marketing, but as with everything else, there are doubts as to its real nature.
Let’s have a no hold barred, truly in depth discussion about the matter, by asking the questions you always had in your mind but had no opportunity to set loose. Let’s begin.
1. If I will submit the same article to many article directories, won’t it violate a search engine’s policy against duplicate content?
No, it won’t. Since we’re dealing with high ranking websites, the search engines would assume that the submitted content is their original work. This is the reason why a lot of article directories are pretty confident about the articles they display. The problem that they encounter, really, is with regards to the credibility of their services. They don’t want to be known as a repository of junk content, that’s why they have outlawed the posting of PLR articles as well as articles imbued with affiliate links.
2. Does this mean that I could submit articles which I have already posted in my own web pages?
No! Since the search engines would assume that the higher ranking websites are the originators of the content, your web pages would be distinguished as duplicates, and this could possibly lead to the de-indexing of your website. You wouldn’t want this to happen.
3. Could I submit as many articles as I could to as many article directories as possible?
Yes, you could! In fact, this is very much advised, to build up your link popularity and secure for your website a great page rank.
However, please bear in mind that search engines, and Google in particular, become quite wary about a website that suddenly experiences a great increase in the number of its back links. It is advised that before you submit another article to the article directories, you have to wait for at least 3 weeks after your last submission.
4. My page views are quite low. Does article marketing really work?
Yes, article marketing does work! If your article’s page views remain in low levels, ask yourself the following:
Is the subject of your article interesting enough? Does it cater to a wide audience?
Is your title enticing enough to merit a reading of your entire work?
Is your article informative enough to merit recommendation?
Is your article readable enough to give your audience an easy time in digesting the information you want to share?
These are the factors that contribute to low page views. Doing some necessary editing to correct these problems can dramatically increase the number of times your article would be viewed. Additionally, some article directories really attract a few visitors. But the popular ones like www.ezinearticles.com , www.goarticles.com and www.isnare.com should give you hundreds of readers in a month’s time.
5. How sure am I that my article would be kept intact by people who would use it in their own websites or eZines?
You can never be sure. This is why you have to run your own check from time to time. Search for unique phrases in your article, and click on the results. Determine if the webmaster honored your resource box. If he did not, you could ask him to include the same, or you could file a complaint with the article directory so that they themselves could act on the matter. Vigilance is the key.
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Intro
As I have already stated this is a no holds barred look into the world of affiliate marketing. I am not a guru! Never claimed to be never will, I am not going to come on here and hype myself up or claim that I know more than the next guy or that I make X amount of $$$ or that I am the greatest affiliate marketer out there.
I will never show you a copy of my accounts, or checks that I have cashed, cause that is not what this blog is about, and quite frankly it is none of your damn business how much I make.
All you need to know is the information I will supply you with is honest, good, reliable no bullshit information that when applied can help you to succeed in the very tuff business of affiliate marketing.
What I am going to give to you here is going to make it a little easier to succeed(but only if you use it).
I know what i am talking about because I to was like you a year and a half ago I was tooling along going about my day to day. Everything was good, I had my own business, was in my second year and was starting to build a good client base. Money was not a problem, business was good life was good.
Then BAMM! It all fell apart almost overnight. The Field that I was in crashed and crashed hard, business dropped off, clients disappeared and with them the money.
Life wasn't so good anymore! I needed to make money and I needed to make it now! And being that I have never been to good at working for someone else getting a normal 9-5 was out of the question.
So one day while on the Internet I did a Google search for "How to make money on the Internet" and that's when it started. My quest to learn everything that i could about Internet Marketing and make a full time living without ever having to leave my house.
I spent countless hours researching and reading everything that I could find. I tried this and that and nothing seemed to work. I knew someone was making money online "that's what all the websites kept telling me anyway" or were they just trying to sell me there books. Hmm? I bought book after book, program after program, all claiming they were the answer to all of my problems and that If I just bought this one last book I would be cashing checks faster than I could sign them. WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!
I then stumbled upon what I was looking for, I found the answers that I needed and they didn't come from a book, they come from some very helpful people a lot of hard work and a never quit attitude.
I can help you with the helpful people part, but do you have the gumption to put in the hard work and do you have the right attitude. Those I can not help you with, those you have to answer for yourself. Because the first lesson I am going to teach you is that if someone is telling you they are going to show you in a book how you can be making $20k,$30k,$40k in the next two weeks.
They are full of SHIT! The only person who is going to be making that is the guy selling the book.
First Lesson: If it looks to good to be true and Sounds to good to be true, Then it's probably NOT TRUE!
Now don't get me wrong, not all ebooks are hype, not all ebooks are crap, not all ebooks or programs are to good to be true. Some are full of helpful information and can be very good learning tools. I have several in my collection that I would buy again and have learned a great deal from. If you purchase the right ones they will teach you they will save you time and they will help you to make more money. Usually those are the ones that don't make outrageous claims of untold riches, those are the ones that say hey here is some information on this subject that when applied correctly will help you in your endeavours.
So that is my intro to this blog, Like I said I am a down to earth no B.S. type of guy who tells it like it is. I like helping people and will try to help as many as I can just like the ones that have helped me along the way.
I will never show you a copy of my accounts, or checks that I have cashed, cause that is not what this blog is about, and quite frankly it is none of your damn business how much I make.
All you need to know is the information I will supply you with is honest, good, reliable no bullshit information that when applied can help you to succeed in the very tuff business of affiliate marketing.
What I am going to give to you here is going to make it a little easier to succeed(but only if you use it).
I know what i am talking about because I to was like you a year and a half ago I was tooling along going about my day to day. Everything was good, I had my own business, was in my second year and was starting to build a good client base. Money was not a problem, business was good life was good.
Then BAMM! It all fell apart almost overnight. The Field that I was in crashed and crashed hard, business dropped off, clients disappeared and with them the money.
Life wasn't so good anymore! I needed to make money and I needed to make it now! And being that I have never been to good at working for someone else getting a normal 9-5 was out of the question.
So one day while on the Internet I did a Google search for "How to make money on the Internet" and that's when it started. My quest to learn everything that i could about Internet Marketing and make a full time living without ever having to leave my house.
I spent countless hours researching and reading everything that I could find. I tried this and that and nothing seemed to work. I knew someone was making money online "that's what all the websites kept telling me anyway" or were they just trying to sell me there books. Hmm? I bought book after book, program after program, all claiming they were the answer to all of my problems and that If I just bought this one last book I would be cashing checks faster than I could sign them. WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!
I then stumbled upon what I was looking for, I found the answers that I needed and they didn't come from a book, they come from some very helpful people a lot of hard work and a never quit attitude.
I can help you with the helpful people part, but do you have the gumption to put in the hard work and do you have the right attitude. Those I can not help you with, those you have to answer for yourself. Because the first lesson I am going to teach you is that if someone is telling you they are going to show you in a book how you can be making $20k,$30k,$40k in the next two weeks.
They are full of SHIT! The only person who is going to be making that is the guy selling the book.
First Lesson: If it looks to good to be true and Sounds to good to be true, Then it's probably NOT TRUE!
Now don't get me wrong, not all ebooks are hype, not all ebooks are crap, not all ebooks or programs are to good to be true. Some are full of helpful information and can be very good learning tools. I have several in my collection that I would buy again and have learned a great deal from. If you purchase the right ones they will teach you they will save you time and they will help you to make more money. Usually those are the ones that don't make outrageous claims of untold riches, those are the ones that say hey here is some information on this subject that when applied correctly will help you in your endeavours.
So that is my intro to this blog, Like I said I am a down to earth no B.S. type of guy who tells it like it is. I like helping people and will try to help as many as I can just like the ones that have helped me along the way.
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